

A five-partner firm lead by Paulo Martins Barata, João Luís Ferreira, Paulo Perloiro, Pedro Appleton and João Perloiro, PROMONTORIO is a full-service architecture, planning, landscaping, interior design and graphics team that began in Lisbon in 1990 as an experimental studio. It consistently grew into a practice of seventy architects, planners, landscape architects, interior designers and graphic designers.

Underlying its approach to the urban form, the work of PROMONTORIO has often been identified with the pursuit of a ‘system of robustness’ (i.e. solidity, stability and durability) both in terms of representational meaning and technical research. This in turn, has been implemented and tested in vast construction sites and under challenging time and budget constraints.

Our process springs from a dynamic and focused design culture that fosters collaboration above all. This cohesive and interactive structure enables us to deal with large and complex projects both in terms of design and programme. Ranging from schools, museums and cultural institutions, to housing, offices, hotels and retail, PROMONTORIO has accomplished projects in Algeria, Angola, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, China, Doha, Dubai, Egypt, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Georgia, Mozambique, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, the USA and Vietnam, having established partnerships in many of these.

The work of PROMONTORIO has been widely published in A10, Area, Architectural Review, Architecti, Arqa, Arquitectura Viva, A+T, Detail, 2G, Domus, Expresso, Prototypo, Público, JA, Lotus, Techniques & Architecture, The Plan, etc. Our work has received various international awards and has been presented in conferences and lectures in Austria, Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Portugal, UK and the USA. It was exhibited, among others, in the 9th Venice Architecture Biennial, in La Triennale di Milano, in Arc en rêve (Bordeaux), in Cornell University (Ithaca), in Aedes Gallery (Berlin), in the BSA (Boston Society of Architects) and more recently in Belém Cultural Centre (Lisbon) and Casa da Arquitectura (Porto).


Over the years, we have consolidated a set of principles in our design approach, that do not wish to impose, but we tend to value the projects which include them:

I. Design buildings to last

We believe buildings should be solid and durable. Places are realised in history through the preservation of memory and the buildings that withstand time are the ones that determine the identity of a place.

Architecture should bear the normal wearing of everyday life. Moreover, and given that the land is a scarce resource, building that last are an ecological response to the energetic waste that extemporaneous demolishing or refurbishing implies.

II. Produce exceptions, respect conventions

In an urban context, we believe that the formal autonomy generated by dramatic and spectacular buildings can only be justified by the exception of a notable civic status or an innovative programme. If the latter are conventional, we prefer that buildings blend gently in the urban fabric or, given a larger scale, create a context that is able to accommodate, without stridency or gratuity, the flow of the quotidian.

III. Encourage mixed-use programmes

Diversity, multiplicity and adaptability are attributes inherent to the very idea of the city and, having this in mind, we try to avoid designing mono-functional urban systems. Ideally, we incorporate the three main functional spheres of life in the city — housing, offices and commerce — allowing for a continuous inhabitation of ensembles across the day.

IV. Discriminate the use of technology

For the most part, buildings should not depend on technological systems and materials that are predictably obsolete in the short run. On the other hand, there are new materials and innovative applications that can be valuable and interesting, given that these are previously tested and carefully balanced.

V. Understanding market conditions

With the general decline of the welfare state, the bulk of the city is increasingly built by the private sector. In this context, we believe that, even without exceptional programmes or large budgets, architectural dignity must be achieved; we believe fine buildings can be produced with the market conditions of private developers. Moreover, we believe in moving a step further and gradually changing the habits of the industry by fostering quality in design and construction.

VI. Incorporate ideas from artists

Historically, art and architecture are aesthetic disciplines that complement each other. Working with artists can bring powerful new insights and ideas to architecture, and vice-versa. The unrestrained freedom of art can challenge the boundaries of architecture without any of them having to lose their core disciplinary character and métier.


Mora River Aquarium

At PROMONTORIO we have a holistic approach to architecture that has always placed sustainability as the core of our design strategy. We aim to create places that are implicitly sustainable and that guarantee cost-effective and enduring solutions. However, we do not seek to express our environmental credentials through technological apparatus, neither to use them as an opportunistic marketing device.

Instead, we focus on developing buildings and spaces that respond to context and environment with serenity and thoughtfulness. In collaboration with our consultants, we believe in defining integrated and coordinated MEP strategies from the outset as intrinsic elements of design. Many of our buildings abide by BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method), which is a voluntary measurement rating for green buildings, and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), which is the US green building certification system.

In practical terms, we have implemented strategies for improving HVAC efficiency, resorting to passive solar building placement and renewable energy generation, such as photovoltaic solar panels, air-source heat pumps, and more recently, woodchip and biomass heating technologies. In harmony with our clients, and whenever possible, we specify locally sourced and sustainable building materials, which include among others, sustainably harvested wood, cork and linoleum, rammed earth, clay, coconut, wood fibre plates and bamboo, locally obtained stone and rock, and non-toxic low-VOC (volatile organic compounds) glues and paints. In addition, the use of recycled materials is part of our strategy for sustainability and includes the reuse of materials, such as reclaimed wood and stone remnants. Finally, we employ water-saving strategies, such as absorbent landscaping, infiltration devices, rain gardens, bio-retention, permeable paving, green roofs and rainwater harvesting.

PROMONTORIO is fully committed to help meeting the environmental challenges of the future through design decision-making. Together with our clients, we aim towards creating places that promote a better life and a better environment.


The mission of PROMONTORIO is its public commitment, present in the service of its activity, in all projects, in each challenge.

In PROMONTORIO we are determined in developing the best architecture solutions, at an international scale, promoting a culture of excellence and constant innovation, assuring confidence among our clients, partners, collaborators and final consumers, and contributing to increase the quality of life and the environmental and energetic sustainability of the territories in which we intervene.


Description of Functions

The activity of PROMONTORIO’s collaborators is developed in accordance to different functions defined and described in the Functions Manual. The following are the main functions in practice in PROMONTORIO and a description of the most relevant responsibilities.


Its main responsibilities are to ensure a good operation of the business in terms of human resources and facilities, definition of the company’s long term strategy, review and approve training policy, evaluate the effectiveness of undertaken training events, carry out coordination and allocation of available resources, provide technical support to the team, to ensure the profitability of the company, abide by and enforce the requirements of the Quality Management System, to contribute and promote continuous improvement.

Planning Department Responsibilities

Its main responsibilities are the coordination and allocation of resources, promote the profitability of resources, monitor the profitability of the projects, manage subcontracts, contribute to the definition of needed training and development and evaluate the effectiveness of undertaken training.

Quality Department Responsibilities

Its main responsibilities are to ensure the functioning and the adequacy of Quality Management System, promote continuous improvement of the QMS, inform the representative of management, regarding the effectiveness of the QMS, collaborate in the planning of the QMS in order to meet the objectives arising in the Quality Policy and regulatory requirements and assist in preparing the documents of the QMS.

Technical Department Responsibilities

Its main responsibilities are to do the coordination and allocation of resources of the Department, provide technical support to the rest of the team, contribute to define the training and contribution for the department’s development, evaluate the effectiveness of training undertaken and optimize the profitability of the Department.

Management Representative

The Management appointed Mr. Paulo Martins Barata as the management representative. He ensures the functioning of the Quality Management System (QMS), reports its performance to management and guarantees awareness of customer requirements among the company.


PROMONTORIO’s Management considers the implementation of the Quality Management System essential to accomplish the clients’ requirements, legal and statutory, and to involve and motivate the collaborators.

In this sense, PROMONTORIO’s Management approves and promulgates this Quality Manual, which should be applied to the entire organization and fulfilled by all employees.


Privacy Policy

PROMONTORIO, is committed to protecting the privacy of all users of our website. To this purpose, we prepared this privacy policy.

In order to ensure our commitment to the privacy of our customers, PROMONTORIO has adopted the best practices in personal data security and protection (see “Privacy Policy”), under the terms described below.

In this regard, in order to ensure that all personal data are processed and protected in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulation, we ask you to read our new Privacy and Data Protection Policy carefully.

It is extremely important that you read and give your express consent to the maintenance and processing of your personal data, in order to authorise the transmission of communications in accordance with the rules defined herein.

In addition, it is important to clarify that simply browsing or accessing the PROMONTORIO website will not necessarily imply cookies (whose policy you may and should read here) or the collection of your personal data.

1. Personal Data

Personal data means any information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person, of any nature and regardless of the means.

An identifiable natural person is someone who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier (e.g. identification number, location data, electronic identifiers or one or more specific elements of the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of such a natural person).

Through this website, and depending on the purpose of data collection, the following personal information can be gathered: (i) name, (ii) date of birth, (iii) contact details (telephone number and e-mail address), (iv) company represented and (v) required information that is relevant to assess the suitability of candidates to work at PROMONTORIO, namely professional experience and academic qualifications.

2. Responsibility for the Processing of Personal Data

PROMONTORIO, legal person under no. 502 304 820, with registered office at Rua Fabrica Material de Guerra, n.º 10, 1950-128 Lisboa – Portugal is the entity responsible for the collection and processing of personal data for the purposes set out below.

If you believe that the information contained in this Privacy Policy is not sufficiently clear and/or transparent, or for any other reason that you may deem relevant, please contact us at: info@promontorio.net.

3. Purpose of the Processing of Personal Data

The collection and processing of personal data on PROMONTORIO’s website is intended for: (i) the recruitment and selection of candidates, as well as (ii) sending, upon express request of the user, of service and/or budget proposals (or other information on PROMONTORIO products and/or services), therefore the filling of the form corresponding to each of the purposes and/or the submission of the curriculum vitae (in case of the collection and processing of personal data for the purpose of recruitment and selection of candidates) corresponds to the prior and express consent to the processing of the personal data transmitted.

If the user expressly and previously allows the processing of their personal data (which consent can be revoked at any time — see section 5 below), PROMONTORIO undertakes to ensure the processing of the personal data to the extent and for the time necessary to the pursuit of its purposes.

In view of the foregoing, PROMONTORIO clarifies that is does not request or encourage, in any place or in any way, the submission or transmission of personal data related to philosophical or political beliefs, party or trade union affiliation, religious faith, private life and racial or ethnical origin, as well as the processing of data related to health and sexual life, including genetic data.

Therefore, and if personal data is transmitted to PROMONTORIO, it cannot be held liable for their processing under this Privacy Policy.

Without prejudice to other forms of contact with PROMONTORIO, the non-transmission of personal data by the user prevents PROMONTORIO from considering him/her for the purpose of recruiting/submitting proposals and/or budgets or other information, as applicable.

4. Maintenance of Personal Data

The period of time during which personal data are stored and maintained will vary in accordance with the aforementioned purposes.

In this regard, it should be clarified that personal data relating to the recruitment and selection of candidates may be maintained for the period necessary to comply with the purpose (e.g., if the applicant joins PROMONTORIO his/her personal data will be processed for human resource management purposes; if the applicant does not join PROMONTORIO data can be maintained in reserve for future recruitment processes, without prejudice to the right of the holder to request the suppression of their data at any time, as indicated in section 5 below).

Personal data whose purpose is the submission of service and/or budget proposals or information regarding new PROMONTORIO products and/or services will be stored for a period of one (1) year after the latest contact with the holder of the personal data, without prejudice to the fact that longer periods may be applied whenever the situation justifies it (provided that proportionally to such situation), namely to safeguards the rights of PROMONTORIO.

5. Right of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing and portability of Personal Data

The user is guaranteed, at any time, the right of access to their personal data, as well as to their rectification, deletion, portability, limitation and/or opposition to the processing — in this regard, the user may exercise any of these rights by addressing in writing to PROMONTORIO through the address of the registered office or through the following e-mail: info@promontorio.net. In addition, the user may always present any complaints he/she deems necessary to the competent authority for this purpose.

6. Security in the Processing of Personal Data

Personal data will be processed and stored in electronic means and paper format. PROMONTORIO undertakes to ensure the security and protection of personal data you submit to use through the website, having adopted the appropriate measures necessary for this purpose, namely: (i) password protection, (ii) use of digital certificates, (iii) physical entry restrictions to the premises where the personal data storage servers are located; (iv) firewalls, (v) secure communication via https protocol.

PROMONTORIO informs that said security measures are reviewed and updated according to the needs and requirements on these matters.

If, for any reason, there is a breach of security that causes, accidentally or unlawfully, the destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or unauthorized access to personal data, PROMONTORIO undertakes, in accordance with the applicable legislation, to notify the competent authorities, without undue delay and, whenever possible, within 72 hours of becoming aware of such occurrence.

In addition, under the terms referred to in the preceding paragraph, PROMONTORIO undertakes to report the violation of personal data to the respective holder of said data, in accordance with the applicable legislation.

Notwithstanding the security measures taken by PROMONTORIO, it is important to point out that the users should also take additional security measures, in particular to ensure that there is an up-to-date active firewall, antivirus and anti-spyware.

7. Communication of Personal Data to Third Parties

In the course of its business, PROMONTORIO may use third parties to provide certain services (located inside or outside the European Union), which may imply, in some cases, access by said entities to personal data of users.

In such a scenario, PROMONTORIO undertakes to take the necessary and appropriate measures, in order to ensure that entities that have access to such personal data are reputed and offer high guarantees in this regard, which shall be duly provided for and safeguarded in writing in the agreement to be entered into between PROMONTORIO and the third party/parties.

In fact, any entity sub-contracted by PROMONTORIO will process the personal data of users, on its behalf and account, undertaking to take the necessary technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, dissemination or unauthorised access, and against any other form of unlawful processing.

In any case, PROMONTÓRIO remains responsible for the processing of personal data. Where necessary, and within the scope of sub-contracting of third parties by PROMONTORIO, personal data may be transferred to outside the European Union, under the terms and conditions permitted by the applicable law.

8. Right to be Forgotten

The holder of personal data has the right to obtain from the person responsible for the processing of personal data the deletion of his/her personal data, who, in turn, will be obliged to delete them, whenever one of the following reasons applies: (i) data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or processed; (ii) the holder withdraws consent, when the consent is the legal basis or the holder opposes the processing and there are no prevailing legitimate interests justifying their maintenance.

9. Access to third party websites

The Privacy Policy is not applicable to third party websites. In this case, whenever you visit other website from this, you should always read the applicable privacy policy and verify that you agree with its terms before providing your personal data.

PROMONTORIO shall not be liable for the applicable privacy policy nor for the content made available on third party websites.

10. Changes to the Privacy Policy

PROMONTORIO reserves the right, at any time, to make adjustments or changes to this Privacy Policy, and such changes shall be duly published on this website.

The published version on the website is the one currently in force.

Reporting channel regulations

Code of Good Conduct for preventing and combating harassment at work

1. Background and purpose

Promontorio Arquitectos Associados Lda (hereinafter referred to as Promontorio) carries out its activity by making ethical commitments that emphasize, among other things, the respect due to its employees, through the guarantee of their right to decent working conditions, which includes, in particular, the prohibition of acts of psychological violence and moral coercion that may contribute to a hostile working environment and disturb the indispensable well-being.

This commitment has now been enshrined in labor legislation, through Law 73/2017, of August 16, which determines that it is the employer’s duty to “adopt codes of good conduct to prevent and combat harassment at work, whenever the company has seven or more employees”.

It is within this framework that Promontorio has adopted this Code of Good Conduct for Preventing and Combating Harassment at Work, the purpose of which is to list Promontorio’s commitments to its employees with regard to preventing and combating harassment at work, as well as the means available to pursue them.

2. Concepts

i) “Employees” means all members of Promontorio’s governing bodies, managers and workers, in any capacity and under any form of contract;

ii) “Suppliers” and “service providers” are natural or legal persons who supply products or provide services to Promontorio.

iii) “Harassment at work” means the legal concept provided for in current labor legislation, which is as follows:

“1) Harassment shall mean unwanted conduct, in particular based on discrimination, committed at the time of access to employment or during employment, work or vocational training, with the purpose or effect of disturbing or embarrassing a person, affecting his or her dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or destabilizing environment. 2) Sexual harassment shall mean unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, in verbal, non-verbal or physical form, with the purpose or effect referred to in the previous paragraph.”

iv) Harassment is characterized by intent and repetition.

3. Scope

The Code of Good Conduct for Preventing and Combating Harassment at Work applies to all Promontorio employees.

The duties of employees stipulated in this Code apply, with the necessary adaptations, to all attorneys, agents and service providers who are in any way authorized to act on behalf of Promontorio.

Other service providers and suppliers are expressly required to respect the principles set out in this Code in accordance with the obligations arising from the contracts established with them.

4. Promontorio’s commitments

Promontorio undertakes to:

• Promote a culture free from all forms of violence at work, prohibiting the existence of any form of violence in the workplace, and seeking to prevent situations that prevent a healthy social environment, free from embarrassment, intimidation, hostility and humiliation.

• Adopt the appropriate measures, if the legal requirements for this are met, in relation to duly substantiated situations of harassment at work which come to its attention through the communication channel provided for in this Code. Such measures may include disciplinary proceedings under the terms of the applicable labor legislation.

• Make managers aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy working environment among all members of their teams and in their direct relationship with their employees.

• Identify the potential for harassment in the workplace through regular consultations with employees.

• Regularly include the issue of harassment at work in training activities.

• Keep this Code available at all times on Promontorio’s website, and also in a visible place near the Social Responses.

5. Promontorio employees’ commitments

Promontorio employees undertake to:

• Not engage in any harassing behavior at work.

• In particular, employees with hierarchical responsibilities must make every effort to maintain a healthy working environment, not allowing any situations of harassment at work in their teams.

• Participate in regulated training activities

• Before submitting a complaint about harassment at work, try to analyze clearly, informally and in good faith whether the situation does in fact constitute this type of behavior as defined by law.

• Report situations of harassment at work of which they are victims or witnesses, through the channel created for this purpose and mentioned in point.

6. Complaints management process and communication channel

Promontorio will provide a specific e-mail address so that employees can clarify doubts on this subject or report situations which, on the assumption of good faith, constitute harassment at work.

The e-mail address is pedro.sousa@landfinance.com.pt. This email will be sent to Pedro Miguel Sousa, who will forward the complaint for analysis by the manager of the employees identified in it and for corrective measures to be taken or, if appropriate, for the appropriate disciplinary measures to be taken.

The entire process must be managed by the entities involved with the utmost confidentiality, responsibility, impartiality and impartiality.

The whistleblower may not be subject to any form of retaliation, unless it is proven that they acted in bad faith, in which case they may be subject to disciplinary proceedings.

7. Approval and entry into force

This Code of Good Conduct for Preventing and Combating Harassment at Work is approved by Promontorio’s management and takes effect from 1.01.2023, with acceptance being presumed by all employees who do not object to it in writing within 30 days of its publication.


Code of Practice and Market Positioning

1. Framework and purpose

Promontorio Arquitectos Associados Lda (hereinafter referred to as Promontorio) carries out its activity with high ethical standards, business integrity, social awareness and responsibility and with strict respect for and compliance with the laws and regulations in force.

Promontorio’s identity is based on essential ethical principles: permanent action to promote and consolidate relationships of trust with all stakeholders; integrity in all areas of intervention; a role as a responsible protagonist in profound changes in the architecture sector, and in the fight for an environment that ensures a sustainable future for all.

This policy aims to define the general principles of action and duties of Promontorio, its employees and business partners, in order to avoid the practice of illicit acts, in particular conduct associated with the practice of acts of corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing.

This commitment is reflected in the creation of a Risk Department, in response to the need to promote respect for and compliance with the law and regulations in force in all the geographies where Promontorio operates and in line with developments.

In addition, the aim is to contribute to the promotion of ethics and integrity in the conduct of business at Promontorio, ensuring compliance with legislation and the principles and rules adopted.

To this end, a risk prevention and detection tool has been created, which allows the reporting of acts of infractions committed, namely corruption and related infractions.

2. Reporting channel

i) Offenses that can be reported

The Whistleblower Channel can be used to report acts or omissions committed intentionally or negligently, which may constitute a crime or administrative offense, under the terms of article 2, paragraph 1 of Law 93/2021, of December 20, such as:

• Public procurement.

• Corruption and related offenses (article 3 of the General Whistleblower Protection Regime — RGPDI).

• Financial services, products and markets and the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.

• Protection of privacy and personal data and network and information systems security.

• Security and compliance of products and services

• Environmental protection

• Public health

Acts or omissions contrary to:

• The financial interests of the European Union referred to in Article 325 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

• Internal market rules referred to in Article 26(2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

ii) Who can lodge a complaint?

Complaints can be lodged by:

In the internal channel:

• Workers and managers of the organization;

In the external channel:

• Service providers, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers of the entity or any persons acting under their supervision and direction;

• Trainees of the entity;

• Any citizen, provided they report or publicly disclose an infringement based on information obtained in the course of their professional activity.

• Any person who has obtained information as part of a professional relationship that has since ended with the organization, as well as during the recruitment process or in the pre-contractual negotiation phase of a professional relationship established or not established with the organization;

iii) How can I lodge a complaint?

Complaints can be submitted in writing to the specific e-mail address denuncia@promontorio.net. The complaint must contain the elements considered relevant, in as much detail as possible, namely:

• Date or periods in which the acts occurred;

• Identification of the persons and/or entities concerned;

• Any amounts, where applicable;

• Documentary or other evidence that supports the complaint and should always be attached to it;

• Identification of other people with knowledge of the facts, or who may be able to shed light on them;

iv) What procedures are adopted following the submission of a complaint?

Once a complaint has been lodged, Promontorio will analyze it and take the steps deemed appropriate.

To this end, you have 7 days to notify the complainant of its receipt, and shall verify the allegations, request from the complainant, if necessary, additional clarifications that allow it to validate and complete the knowledge of the facts that have been transmitted and adopt the procedural steps that are most appropriate, including, where appropriate, notifying the competent authority to investigate the infringement.

The measures planned or adopted to follow up the complaint and the reasons for them will be communicated to the complainant within 3 months of receiving the complaint.

v) What are the grounds for closing the complaint?

Without prejudice to the provisions of the criminal or administrative offense procedure, complaints will be closed when it is found that:

• The facts reported do not fit into the infractions and areas typified by law;

• Non-compliance with the minimum requirements/elements for drafting the complaint and the author’s failure to correct the errors/omissions after being asked to do so;

• Not being the competent authority to assess the complaint;

• The infraction complained of is minor, insignificant or manifestly irrelevant;

• The situation is already being analyzed or investigated by another entity;

• The infringement complained of is repeated and contains no new elements that justify a different course of action from a previous decision.

vi) What are the rights of the whistleblower?

The whistleblower who submits a complaint through the Whistleblower Channel has the following rights:

• The right to anonymity, by selecting the respective option when filling in the form;

• The right to the confidentiality of their identity, as well as the information that enables them to deduce it;

• Right to legal protection under the general terms of Article 22 of Law 93/2021 of 20.12;

• The right to follow up on the complaint;

• The right to add new elements or clarifications to the complaint you have made, using the access key to the form;

• Right to non-retaliation;

• The right to benefit from witness protection measures in criminal proceedings;

The protection afforded by the scheme extends to third parties who assist or are linked to the whistleblower.

vii) When can whistleblower protection be called into question?

Whistleblower protection can be called into question when there is intentional non-compliance with the requirements imposed by the GDPR when reporting infractions, which may result in an administrative offense.

viii) What is done with the information communicated by the whistleblower?

The information communicated by the whistleblower will be used exclusively for the legal purposes provided for the Whistleblower Channel, in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation.

The whistleblowing management system is based on technical and organizational measures geared towards data protection, namely the supporting documentation and the data collected will be archived respecting their confidentiality and security, and it is mandatory to adopt security measures in the archiving of information, in order to restrict its access to authorized persons only.

The information is kept for a period of 5 years, regardless of this period, during the pendency of judicial or administrative proceedings relating to the complaint.

ix) Privacy Policy

The processing of personal data obtained and stored under and within the scope of the Complaint Channel, including the exchange or transmission of personal data by the competent authorities, complies with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, approved by Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) and Law no. 58/2019, of August 8, which ensures the implementation, in the national legal order, of said Regulation.

The exercise of the rights of access, rectification, erasure, opposition and limitation of processing of personal data under the GDPR is ensured via the Data Protection Officer.