
Paulo Martins Barata

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Recent projects.” In Lectures series and workshops MAD- Moda Arquitectura Design week.
Lisbon: FAUL/ AE-Departamento de Responsabilidade Social e Cultural, Sala Rainha Sonja da Noruega (cubo), Apr 29, 2019.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Combining Innovation and Holistic Design.” In Conference ‘The Future of Tourism in Qatar’.
Doha: IFP in partnership with Qatar Tourism Authority, Exhibition & Convention Center, Nov 8, 2018.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “A reflection on the practice of post-global design services.” In Workshop Arq 3.0 – Architecture International Challenge/ Work Out. Moderator Elizabeth Hatz.
Porto: Direction of resources and special projects of Serralves Fondation, Serralves Auditorium, Jan 26, 2018.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Recent projects.” In Lecture Series: Paulo Martins Barata. Hosted by Ivan RupnikBoston: Northeastern and Boston Society of Architects, Northeastern University College of Arts, Media and Design/ School of Architecture, Apr 14, 2014.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Architecture of leisure.” In Resilient Coastal Leisure Environments. Hosted by Ivan Rupnik.
Boston: Northeastern and Boston Society of Architects, Northeastern University College of Arts, Media and Design/ School of Architecture, Mar 13-14, 2013.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Tectonics unbound: Reflections on architecture and the poetics of construction.”
Doha: Qatar University, College of Engineering, Department of Architecture & Urban Planning, May 21, 2012.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Fernando Tavora/ Quinta da Conceição Urban Park.” In 1950er Jahre.
Zürich: Internationales Symposium ETH Zürich Hönggerberg, HXE, Nov 15, 2011.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Home for the weekend: Projects for tourism.” In CANactions 2010/ Architectural International Youth Festival/ Eugene Asse and Viktor Zotov Master Classes.
Kiev: CANactions, Apr 26 – May 2, 2010.

Martins Barata, Paulo and João Luis Ferreira. “Promontorio: Building Representation and Tectonic Presence.” In Seminar ‘Essays on Stability: Building is Destroying.’ Curated by Rui Mendes.
Lisbon: Department of Architecture, University Autonoma of Lisbon, Mar 16, 2010.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Video cycle, resetting of Kenneth Frampton conference, speeches on architecture of 1990.” In Re-visited speeches 1990-2010.
Porto: OASRN, Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Mar 2, 2010. 

Martins Barata, Paulo and João Luís Ferreira, et al. Debate on “Materialized City/ Expo: a laboratory experiments.” In Seminar ‘10 Years of Expo’98: Imagined City/ Materialized City’.
Lisbon: Order of Architects/ SRS, Portugal Pavilion, Parque das Nações, Nov 8, 2008.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Architecture for  Tourism.” In Conference series ‘Programmes and Equipments for the 21st-century.’ Curated by Nuno Grande.
Coimbra: Department of Architecture, University of Coimbra, Feb 2, 2008.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Home for the weekend: Projects for tourism.” In Freiheit Freizeit, Free Time: Architecture for Leisure in Eastern and Western Europe 1960-1980.
Zürich: Internationales Symposium ETH Zürich Hönggerberg, HXE, Nov 9, 2007.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Telheiras Housing.” In Conference series on ‘Housing and Typology’. Curated by Manuel Mendes.
Porto: Faculty of Architecture, University of Porto, Jun 15, 2007

Martins Barata, Paulo, Luís Fernández-Galiano and Luis Tavares Pereira. “The Heart of the City.” In International Architecture Conference. Co-curatorship of a 3-day international conference with Thomas Mayne, João Luís Carrilho da Graça, Saskia Sassen, Jamie Fobert, Eduardo Souto de Moura, Mark Wigley, Yehuda Safran, Stephen Bates, Pedro Gadanho, Nuno Grande, Dominique Perrault, Elizabeth Diller, Rodolfo Machado, Fernando Romero, Francisco Mangado, Kurt W. Forster, Bjarke Ingels, Manuel Graça Dias, Emilio Tuñón, Luis Mansilla, Diogo Lopes , João Pedro Serôdio, Kengo Kuma, Jan Kaplicky and João Rodeia.
Lisbon: Lisbon Architecture Triennial 2007, Teatro Camões, Jun 01, 2007.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Lavori recenti di Promontorio.” Presented by Roberto Collovà.
Palermo: Facoltà di Architettura, Università degli Studi di Palermo, Mar 10, 2007.

Martins Barata, Paulo and João Luis Ferreira. Ciclo di Conferenze ‘Architettura portoghese – Generazioni a confronto’.
Rome: Casa dell’Architettura di Roma and Istituto Nazionale di Architettura-IN/ARCH, ACER, Mar 6, 2007.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Speed.” Presented by Paulo Varela Gomes.
Coimbra: NU Magazine of the NUDA-AAC (Coimbra University Architecture Student Nucleus), FNAC, Jul 6, 2006.

Martins Barata, Paulo and João Luis Ferreira. “Promontorio: Architecture and Repetition.” In Conference and debate ‘Conflicting Perspectives.’
Lisbon: IV Week of Architecture, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Feb 28, 2005.

Martins Barata, Paulo and João Luís Ferreira w/ Carlos Santana from S’A Architects. “Architecture, ‘hostage’ to its mediatization.” In Metaflux 3rd Debate on Portuguese Architecture/ Dialogues XY. Moderated by Ana Vaz Milheiro.
Lisbon: Order of Architects/ IA, Order of Architects Headquarters, Jan 26, 2005.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Recent Work of Promontorio.”
Texas: University of Texas, Austin School of Architecture, Oct. 12, 2004.

Martins Barata, Paulo and Paulo Perloiro. “An Architecture of Solidity.” In Conference Series ‘Urban architecture and the new generation of planners’. Curated by Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani and Uberto Siola.
Naples: Fondazione Internazionale per gli Studi Superiori di Architettura, May 7, 2004

Martins Barata, Paulo. Conference Series ‘Hard Lead’. Programme curatorship w/ João Belo Rodeia of a monthly conference series inspired on 9H magazine with Luís Fernández-Galiano, David Chipperfield, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Manfred Ortner,
Tony Fretton, Peter Märkli,  Kenneth Frampton, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Hans Kollhoff and Wilfried Wang.
Lisbon: Arquitectura’03, Belem Cultural Centre, Mar 21, 2004 – Jan 16, 2005.

Martins Barata, Paulo, Gerrit Confurius and Luis Tavares Pereira. “Performing the City.” In ‘Prototypo Seminar in Architecture’.  Co-curatorship of a 3-day international conference with Alvaro Siza, Kurt W. Forster, John Palmesino, Marcel Meili, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Hubertus Adam, Wouter Vanstiphout, António Pinto Ribeiro, Louis Paillard, Luis Fernández-Galiano, Winy Maas, Simon Sadler , Jonathan Sergison, Stephen Bates, Hermann Czech , Jean Phillipe Vasal, Manuel Mendes, Gonçalo Byrne, Miroslav Sik, Beatriz Colomina, Rem Koolhaas, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Bart Lootsma, Adriaan Geuze, Ines Norton , Carmen Pigem, Ben Van Berkel, Hani Rashid, Kenneth Frampton, Roger Diener, Yehuda Safran, José Paulo dos Santos, Stanislaus Von Moos, Andreas Hild and Mark Wigley.
Porto: Prototypo Magazine and Porto 2001 European Capital of Culture, May 31 – Jun 2, 2001.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Conference series ‘The Clarity of Mies.” Curated by Ana Tostões on the ocasion of the exhibition ‘Mies van der Rohe: Vida e Obra.’
Lisbon: Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, 29 Mar, 2001.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Tectonics and Representation in the Architecture of Alvaro Siza.”
Minneapolis: College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, University of Minnesota, Feb 15, 1999.

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Tectonics and Representation.”
Porto: Department of Architecture, University Lusíada of Porto, Apr 6, 1998. 

Martins Barata, Paulo. “Debriefing Alvaro Siza and the School of Porto.” In ‘Chair of Architecture of Prof. Seppo Valjus’.
Oulu: Department of Architecture, University of Oulu, Jun, 1991.

João Luís Ferreira

Ferreira, João Luís and João Perloiro. “Recent works abroad.“ In 2nd International Seminar of the Academy of Schools of Architecture and Urbanism of the Portuguese Language ‘ Architecture, Urbanism and Design’.
Lisbon: Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, Nov 7, 2012.

Ferreira, João Luís and Paulo Martins Barata. “Promontorio: Building Representation and Tectonic Presence.” In Seminar ‘Essays on Stability: Building is Destroying.’ Curated by Rui Mendes.
Lisbon: Department of Architecture, University Autonoma of Lisbon, Mar 10, 2010.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Collectiv housing.”  In ‘IV International Congress of White Architecture CIAB 4′.
Valencia: Cátedra Blanca, Technical University of Valencia, Mar 5, 2010.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Different project typologies.” In ‘4ª Open House/ Architecture party in Catholic University 2010’.
Viseu: Faculty of Architecture, Catholic University of Viseu, Feb 18, 2010.

Ferreira, João Luís and Paulo Martins Barata, et al. Debate on “Materialized City/ Expo: a laboratory experiments.” In Seminar ‘10 Years of Expo’98: Imagined City/ Materialized City’.
Lisbon: Order of Architects/ SRS, Portugal Pavilion, Parque das Nações, Nov 8, 2008.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Entrecampos housing.” In Conference series on ‘New forms of Collective Housing in Europe‘.
Bordeaux: Arc en rêve, centre d’architecture, Jul 4, 2008.

Ferreira, João Luís. “The city and the territory.” In ‘Journeys of territory, city and design’. Celebrating the 20 Years of the University Lusíada of Porto.
Porto: Faculty of Architecture and Arts, University Lusiada of Porto, Jun 3, 2008.

Ferreira, João Luís. “On-site meeting #13.” In Conference series preceded by the opening of the exhibition on the ‘Entrecampos housing project’ and followed by an on-site visit, on Nov 10.
Lisbon: Order of Architects/ SRS, Nov 8, 2007.

Ferreira, João Luís and Paulo Martins Barata. Ciclo di Conferenze Architettura portoghese – Generazioni a confronto’.
Rome: Casa dell’Architettura di Roma and Istituto Nazionale di Architettura-IN/ARCH, ACER, Apr 16, 2007.

Ferreira, João Luís. Seminar ‘Architecture Made in Portugal’. On the ocasion of ‘Concreta International Fair’.
Matosinhos: Concreta/ 22ª International Fair of Materials and Public Works, Exponor, Oct 27, 2006.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Entrecampos housing.” In ‘Conference series on the city’.
Lisbon: Academic Association of Lusiada University of Lisbon, Mar 20, 2006.

Ferreira, João Luís w/ Pedro Costa from a.s*-atelier de santos. “Rupture and Continuity.” In Conference and debate ‘Conflicting Perspectives’. Moderated by Pedro Gadanho,
Lisbon: IV Week of Architecture, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Mar 1, 2005.

Ferreira, João Luís, and Paulo Martins Barata w/ Carlos Santana from S’A Architects. “Architecture, ‘hostage’ to its mediatizaton.” In ‘Metaflux 3rd Debate on Portuguese Architecture/ Dialogues XY’. Moderated by Ana Vaz Milheiro.
Lisbon: Order of Architects/ IA, Order of Architects headquarters, Jan 26, 2005.

Ferreira, João Luís. “About Bloco Carnide.”
Lisbon: Student Association, Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, Dec 3, 2004.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Recent works.”
Lisbon: Order of Architects/ SRS, Jun 2003.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Xerox.”
Lisbon: Order of Architects/ SRS, Apr 3, 2003.

Ferreira, João Luís, Olga Quintanilha and Pedro George. “Building height.”
Lisbon: Order of Architects/ SRS, 2002.
Ferreira, João Luís. “Afonso Botelho philosophical vision.” In Colloquium on ‘The thinking and the Work of Afonso Botelho’.
Lisbon: Historical Society of Portugal Independence and by the Luso-Brazilian Institute of Philosophy, Palace of Independence, May 8,1997.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Portuguese Poetry, Portuguese Philosophy.” In Colloquium on ‘Guerra Junqueiro and Modernity’.
Porto: Regional Centre of Porto, Theology Faculty, Portuguese Catholic University, Jan 4, 1997.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Orlando Vitorino and the Philosophy.” In ‘Homage to Orlando Vitorino’.
Estremoz: Orlando followers, Monte do Ledo, Oct 21, 1995.

Ferreira, João Luís. “On Leonardo.” In Colloquium on ‘Leonardo Coimbra’.
Felgueiras: Cultural Department, Municipality of Felgueiras, Mar 18, 1995.

Ferreira, João Luís. “The world is a world by a whisker….” In Colloquium on ‘Teixeira de Pascoais’.
Porto: Regional Centre of Porto, Theology Faculty, Portuguese Catholic University, Jan 7, 1995.

Ferreira, João Luís. “From Aesthetics to Poetics.” In ‘Sabbatical Study on the Work of António Quadros’.
Lisbon: Lusiada Foundation, Oct 29, 1994.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Álvaro Ribeiro and the new generations.” In Conference Series on ‘Álvaro Ribeiro and the Portuguese Philosophy’.
Porto: Commercial Athenaeum of Porto and Lusiada Foundation, Commercial Athenaeum, Nov 4, 1993.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Towards a Theory of  ‘Saudade’.” In Colloquium on ‘The Saudade’.
Lisbon: Historical Society of Portugal Independence and by the Luso-Brazilian Institute of Philosophy, Palace of Independence, Apr 22, 1993.

Ferreira, João Luís. “The ‘Saudade’ in José Marinho.” In ‘Conference Series on José Marinho’.
Lisbon: Portuguese Philosophy Magazine Leonardo, IADE, Jul 2, 1991.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Álvaro and Marinho: the two ways.” In ‘Conference Series on Álvaro Ribeiro’.
Lisbon: Portuguese Philosophy Magazine Leonardo, IADE, Oct. 16, 1990.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Essays in Portuguese Aesthetics by Afonso Botelho.” In Conference Series ‘The creaking of the presses’. Curated by António Quadros.
Lisbon: IADE Circle of Portuguese Studies of IADE, Jun 5, 1990.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Essays in Portuguese Aesthetics by Afonso Botelho.” In Conference Series ‘The creaking of the presses’. Curated by António Quadros.
Lisbon: IADE Circle of Portuguese Studies of IADE, Jun 5, 1990.

Ferreira, João Luís. “Being Portuguese and the autonomy of Portugal.” In Conference Series on ‘Being Portuguese’.
Evora: Students of Sociology Course, University of Evora, 1989.

Pedro Appleton

Appleton, Pedro. “Lubango Centre Assalto Moncada Angola.” In PRAXIS “Winds from Africa” 4th Ed.
Lisbon: Universidade de Lisboa/ Faculdade de Arquitetura, Oct. 20, 2022.

Appleton, Pedro. “Habitar: A Casa.” In Lectures series Habitar no Alentejo.
Lisbon: Universidade Lusíada, May. 26, 2022.

Appleton, Pedro. “Poder Económico.” In Please Share!/ INDOOR – Programa Inaugural da Casa da Arquitectura – 4º acto.
Matosinhos: Casa da Arquitectura, Mar. 09, 2018.

Appleton, Pedro. “Os novos desafios da Arquitectura Portuguesa.” In Archi Summit 2015 – Comemorações do Dia Nacional do Arquitecto – Novos desafios II.
Porto: Ordem dos Arquitectos SRN, Silo Auto, Jul. 10, 2015.

Appleton, Pedro. Keynote speaker for “Typologies, history and geography.” In ShoppingScapes’13.
Lisbon: Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (ULHT), May 30, 2013.

Appleton, Pedro and Paulo Martins Barata. “Middle-East – Qatar.” In Workshop Portugal Exporter 2012.
Lisbon: AIP/ Portugal Exporter Club, Lisbon Congress Centre/ River Pavilion, Nov 21, 2012.

Appleton, Pedro. “Jornadas Técnicas de Construcción Angola.”
Sevilla: Extenda (Agencia Andaluza de Promoción Exterior), Oct 19, 2011

Appleton, Pedro and Jose Pinto. “Mora River Aquarium.” In Seminar ‘New perspectives for Tourism: The Universal Accessibility as a referential for quality’, plenary session III ‘The Universal Acessibility – Pratical issues’.
Portalegre: Municipality of Portalegre/ Tourism of Portugal/ National Institute for Rehabilitation/ Tourism of Alentejo, Dec 10, 2010.

Appleton, Pedro. Conference Series on ‘Architecture and Design – Creative confrontations: designers and architects@work’. Moderated by Luís Tavares Pereira.
Matosinhos: Ordem dos Arquitectos SRN/ AND/ APD, Nov 27, 2010

Appleton, Pedro. Participation in Conference and Workshop ‘Graduate in Interior Design of Commercial Spaces’.
Matosinhos: ESAD/ College of Arts and Design of Matosinhos, Jun 20, 2009,

Appleton, Pedro. “Universal Design.” In Seminar ‘Accessible Journeys’. On the occasion of 3rd Journeys in Disability.
Lagos: Municipality of Lagos and Social Network of Lagos, Cultural Centre of Lagos, Dec 2, 2008.

Appleton, Pedro. Speaker in Seminar ‘Landscape, Environment and Movement’. On the ocasion of ‘UM, International Festival of Experimental Mixed Media’.
Lisbon: Portuguese Club of Arts and Ideas, Jun 20, 2008

Appleton, Pedro. “Universal Design – Design for all.” In Seminar ‘Accessibilities’. On the occasion of 1st Journey in Disability.
Lagos: Municipality of Lagos and Social Network of Lagos, Cultural Centre of Lagos, Sep 11, 2006.

Appleton, Pedro. “Universal Design – Design for All.” In Seminar ‘Accessible Tourism for all’.
Faro: Cerebral Palsy Association of Lisbon, Department of Civil Engineering, Higher School of Technology, University of Algarve, Campus da Penha, Apr 27, 2006.